“I think Binghamton has really outdone itself with the construction of the Union,.....Who needs Restaurant Week?” Pipe Dream, January 27, 2014
Revitalization project to connect two existing student unions to create one cohesive space.
The new Binghamton Student Union introduced an exciting new scattered dining station plan – moving away from traditional stainless steel food counters. These individual dining concepts placed throughout the floor plan created a market style sense of discovery for diners entering the space. The idea was to create a more interactive series of restaurant like choices -highlighting the choice and variety available to student’s taste buds. Each station was themed with texture, color, and lighting to be visually identifiable as unique destinations within an interconnected flow of space. Various ceiling planes intersect above the restaurants and open spaces. These provide bridges between locations and carve out unique areas for seating and socialization. Seating environments feature personal choice for students by providing variety in seating style and room settings. Gone is the day of the monolithic, anonymous cafeteria aesthetic. This becomes destination dining, with new opportunities for social gathering, entertainment, and study.